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“We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.”  1 John 1:3

Our Mission Statement

Seek the lost, equip the saved, send forth servants


Mission Defined:

Seek the Lost

All church members must be actively engaged in seeking those who:


  • do not know Christ,

  • are unsure of their salvation, and

  • need a helping hand in making the decision to follow Christ.


Equip the Saved

The church must teach members to:


  • understand their responsibility for seeking the lost,

  • become soul winners for Christ, and

  • serve the needy and the less fortunate.


Send Forth Servants

All church members will strive to:


  • take the gospel beyond the church and into the world,

  • become the “voice of Christ” in the world, and

  • begin the actual work of offering helping hands to those who are physically and spiritually in distress.


Vision Statement


It is our vision to:

  • create a place where people can celebrate the presence of God, connect with other believers, grow into Christ-likeness, serve in ministries.

  • transform and empower believers to become mature caring disciples dedicated to carrying out the Great Commandment and Great Commission.

  • encourage believers to go beyond the physical walls of the church to target and expose non-believers and the un-churched to Christ and the Christian lifestyle.

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